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Driving in the Rhythm of AI | Vehicles of Tomorrow

The use of AI in order to learn and understand how humans react to driving conditions along with the adoption of insights provided by predictive cognitive maintenance will help predict and u ...

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Redefining Influence Marketing

A few years ago we thought that the use of social media in marketing was a breakthrough in strategic planning.

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Click & Shop: The Benefits of Having an E-Shop

In the post Covid-19 era companies with physical stores have to understand the necessity and benefits of an e-shop.

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Web Services and APIs: A Matter of Etiquette…

What are web services and API’s? According to tutorialspoint.com, “a web service is any piece of software that makes itself available over the internet and uses a standardized XML messaging ...

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User Experience (UX) : Game and Level Design Techniques

While developing our latest mobile game, Story Chaser, our design team faced a huge challenge: we had to fit a lot of content including 6 classic storybooks, 30 gameplay levels, over 60 leve ...

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Shopping Cart Intelligence Breaks New Ground in Physical Stores

As Artificial Intelligence enters every aspect of our lives, not only does the consumer become more digitally educated but also increasingly demanding and less trusting.

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Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis Algorithms Get Better

Apart from coding and engineering, we at Publisto love to keep an one eye on state-of-the-art technologies and new age research fields. One of these fields is sentiment analysis (or opinion ...

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Opening a Link to a New Tab: Good or Bad User Experience?

When we recently created a social navigation bar for one of our clients, we were asked for the links to open in new tabs, instead of redirecting to the link URL. This raised a debate in our ...

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Making Beautiful Websites | The Importance of Fonts! | Publisto

Ask any designer, about what discourages users faster than a 404 page. They will all give you the same answer: a bad font. Even worse? A broken font. Why is that? And anyway, why are some fo ...

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Feelings, nothing more than feelings: getting psychometrics right in the social profiling game

Psychometrics or psychographics is the field of study that attempts to measure and quantify the classic descriptions that psychology insights offer us. The use of a psychometric formula in o ...

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