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Drill Data not Oil

Oil and gas companies need to reinvent themselves by grabbing a hold of today’s technologies. They must boost operational efficiency. They need to be the next disruptors.

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Hospitality Rocks in the Rhythm of AI

Digital transformation and the development of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are revolutionizing the way hotels are managed and ultimately the entire customer experience.

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Artificial Intelligence ‘s Hype Sounds all too Human…

Artificial Intelligence is not a thing of tomorrow but of today; AI has acquired an important role in society and is presently influencing and contributing to our daily actions.

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"Tell Me a Story" | Spoiled Customers Finally Get the Approach They Need

While ABM focused on identifying valuable accounts and attempting to engage them regardless of whether the time was right or whether they were interested, ABX is all about engaging with busi ...

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Digital PR | It Takes Two… | Publisto

Tech and PR professionals combined can create optimal branding and visibility results successfully contributing to a company climbing that deeply desired search ladder and ultimately drawing ...

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Driving in the Rhythm of AI | Vehicles of Tomorrow

The use of AI in order to learn and understand how humans react to driving conditions along with the adoption of insights provided by predictive cognitive maintenance will help predict and u ...

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Click & Shop: The Benefits of Having an E-Shop

In the post Covid-19 era companies with physical stores have to understand the necessity and benefits of an e-shop.

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Back to School with Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR) are positively transforming education not only regarding how children learn but also how teachers teach.

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